What stage is my order at?

You can check the status of your order by logging into your online account. Your status will show either: PENDING PAYMENT, READY TO PROCESS, AWAITING DISPATCH, PART DISPATCHED, DISPATCHED, DELIVERED or CLOSE

Here is a breakdown of each one and what they mean: 

  • PENDING PAYMENT - This means that your order did not go through, this could be down to instances like the 3D secure check not going through, your bank stopping approval of the payment or the browser closed before payment went through. If you would like to check if the payment went through, please click Contact Us and we would be happy to investigate this for you. 

  • READY TO PROCESS - This means that the order has been received and is awaiting processing by our processing department. Once the order has been processed, it will go to the awaiting dispatch status ready to be picked and fulfilled.

  • AWAITING DISPATCH - This means that your order has now been processed by our processing department who have sent your order to the appropriate department to be picked and packed, or it has been sent to one of our suppliers who will deliver your order directly. 

  • PART DISPATCHED - This is where the order has been partly shipped. The status will change to dispatched once all the shipments have shipped out.

  • DISPATCHED - This means that your order has now left us and is with the courier. At this stage, you will receive email notification regarding your delivery. 

  • DELIVERED - This means that the order has now been delivered.

  • CLOSED - This means the order has been refunded following a return or there was a stock issue and the order was cancelled prior to dispatch (You will receive notification if the order has a stock issue).

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